vue get if checkbox is checked

To check if a checkbox is checked in Vue, you can use the v-model directive to bind the checkbox to a data property, and then check the value of that property. Here are the steps to do it:

  1. Declare a data property in your Vue component to hold the checkbox value. For example, let's call it isChecked:
data() {
  return {
    isChecked: false
  1. In your template, use the v-model directive to bind the checkbox to the isChecked property:
<input type="checkbox" v-model="isChecked">
  1. Now, you can check the value of isChecked to determine if the checkbox is checked. You can do this in a method or a computed property. For example, let's create a method called handleCheckboxChange:
methods: {
  handleCheckboxChange() {
    if (this.isChecked) {
      // Checkbox is checked
    } else {
      // Checkbox is not checked
  1. Finally, add an event listener to the checkbox to call the handleCheckboxChange method when the checkbox value changes:
<input type="checkbox" v-model="isChecked" @change="handleCheckboxChange">

That's it! Now, whenever the checkbox is checked or unchecked, the isChecked property will be updated accordingly, and you can use its value to perform any desired actions.