vue event two parameter with e

In Vue, you can pass additional parameters to an event handler function by using the $event object. Here are the steps to achieve this:

  1. Declare an event handler function in your Vue component. For example, you can define a method called handleEvent:
methods: {
  handleEvent(param1, param2) {
    // Event handling logic goes here
  1. In your template, where you define the element that triggers the event, use the v-on directive to bind the event to your handler function. Pass the additional parameters using the $event object. For example:
<button v-on:click="handleEvent('param1Value', $event)">Click me</button>

In this example, 'param1Value' is the value you want to pass as the first parameter, and $event is the special object that represents the event itself.

  1. Inside the event handler function, you can access the additional parameters as you would with any regular function parameter. For example, in the handleEvent method, you can use param1 and param2 to access the passed values:
methods: {
  handleEvent(param1, param2) {
    console.log(param1); // Output: 'param1Value'
    console.log(param2); // Output: the event object

By using the $event object, you can pass additional parameters to event handler functions in Vue. This allows you to customize the behavior of your event handling logic based on the values passed.