vue dynamic create watch

Certainly! Here are the steps to dynamically create a watcher in Vue:

  1. Define the Vue instance: Create a Vue instance using new Vue().

  2. Set up the data: Initialize the data object within the Vue instance. This will contain the properties you want to watch for changes.

  3. Create a method to add watcher dynamically: Define a method inside the Vue instance to add a watcher dynamically. This method can use this.$watch() to create a watcher for a specified property.

  4. Trigger the method to add a watcher: Call the method created in step 3, passing the property name and the callback function to execute when the property changes.

  5. Handle the watcher callback: Define the callback function to specify the actions to be performed when the watched property changes. This function will receive the new and old values of the property.

  6. Modify data property: Update the property you're watching to see the watcher in action. This can be done by directly modifying the property's value.

Remember to observe how the watcher reacts to changes in the specified property and executes the defined callback function accordingly.