vue dispatch action at tab close

To dispatch an action in Vue when a tab is closed, you can follow these steps:

  1. First, import the necessary components and functions from the Vue library. This can be done using the import statement. For example:
import { mapActions } from 'vuex'
  1. In the Vue component where you want to dispatch the action, create a method that will handle the tab close event. This method will be triggered when the tab is closed. For example:
methods: {
  handleTabClose() {
    // Dispatch the action here
  1. To connect the method to the tab close event, you can use the beforeDestroy lifecycle hook. This hook is called just before the component is destroyed, which happens when the tab is closed. In the beforeDestroy hook, call the method that handles the tab close event. For example:
beforeDestroy() {
  1. Now, you can dispatch the action inside the handleTabClose method. The specific action you want to dispatch will depend on your application's logic and Vuex store setup. To dispatch an action in Vuex, you can use the this.$store.dispatch method followed by the action name. For example:
handleTabClose() {
  1. Finally, make sure your Vuex store has the corresponding action defined. In your Vuex store file, create a new action that will be executed when the tab is closed. For example:
actions: {
  closeTab(context) {
    // Perform the necessary actions here

That's it! By following these steps, you can dispatch an action in Vue when a tab is closed. Remember to adapt the code to your specific use case and Vuex store setup.