vue deep watch

Certainly! deep watchers in Vue.js are used to watch for nested properties within an object. Here's an example along with explanations for each step:

// Vue component
export default {
  data() {
    return {
      user: {
        name: 'Alice',
        details: {
          age: 25,
          email: '[email protected]'
  watch: {
    '': {
      handler(newName, oldName) {
        console.log(`Name changed from ${oldName} to ${newName}`);
      deep: true
    'user.details': {
      handler(newDetails, oldDetails) {
        console.log('User details changed:', newDetails);
      deep: true
  1. Data Initialization: Initialize a Vue component with a user object containing name and details properties.

  2. Watchers Definition: Define watchers using the watch property of the component. Two watchers are created:

a. '': Watches changes in the name property of the user object.

b. 'user.details': Watches changes in the details property of the user object.

  1. Watcher Handlers: Define the handling logic for when changes are detected in the watched properties:

a. handler function for '': Logs a message when the name property changes, displaying the old and new names.

b. handler function for 'user.details': Logs the new details object when it changes.

  1. deep Option: Set deep: true for both watchers to enable deep watching. This allows watching nested properties within the objects (name and details).

These watchers will monitor changes in the specified properties ( and user.details) and trigger their respective handler functions when these properties change. The deep option allows the watchers to detect changes within nested objects or properties.