vue custom event validation

    <input v-model="inputValue" @input="validateInput" />

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      inputValue: ""
  methods: {
    validateInput() {
      if (this.inputValue.length > 5) {
        this.$emit("validInput", true);
      } else {
        this.$emit("validInput", false);

In this Vue component:

  1. The template defines a div containing an input element. The v-model directive binds the input value to the inputValue data property.

  2. The @input event listener is set to call the validateInput method whenever the input value changes.

  3. The script section of the component exports an object with a data property, initializing inputValue as an empty string.

  4. The methods property contains a validateInput method. It checks if the length of inputValue is greater than 5. If true, it emits a custom event named "validInput" with the value true; otherwise, it emits the event with the value false.