Vue 3 script setup props emits

Vue 3 introduces a new feature called "script setup" that simplifies the way we define props and emits in our components. Here's an explanation of each step involved in using props and emits with script setup:

  1. Import the necessary functions from Vue:
  2. defineProps: This function allows us to define the props that our component accepts.
  3. defineEmits: This function allows us to define the events that our component can emit.

  4. Use the defineProps function to define the props:

  5. We pass an object as an argument to defineProps, where each key represents a prop name, and each value represents the prop's type or default value.

  6. Use the defineEmits function to define the emits:

  7. We pass an array of event names as an argument to defineEmits. These event names represent the events that our component can emit.

  8. Use the defined props and emits in our component's template and setup:

  9. Props: We can access the defined props in our template by using the v-bind directive or the shorthand : followed by the prop name.
  10. Emits: We can emit events from our component by calling the $emit method followed by the event name and any additional data we want to pass.

Overall, using props and emits with script setup in Vue 3 simplifies the process of defining and using props and emits in our components, making our code more concise and readable.