Using vuejs-datepicker with Nuxt JS

To use the vuejs-datepicker with Nuxt JS, you can follow these steps:

  1. Install the vuejs-datepicker package by running the following command in your terminal: npm install vuejs-datepicker

  2. In your Nuxt JS project, create a new component or open an existing one where you want to use the datepicker.

  3. Import the vuejs-datepicker component in your component file: javascript import Datepicker from 'vuejs-datepicker';

  4. Register the Datepicker component in your component's components property: javascript export default { components: { Datepicker }, // other component properties and methods }

  5. In your component's template, add the Datepicker component and bind it to a data property that will store the selected date: html <template> <div> <datepicker v-model="selectedDate"></datepicker> </div> </template>

  6. In your component's script, define the selectedDate data property: javascript export default { data() { return { selectedDate: null } }, // other component properties and methods }

  7. Customize the datepicker by passing props to the Datepicker component. For example, you can set the initial date, enable/disable specific date ranges, and format the date display. Refer to the vuejs-datepicker documentation for a list of available props and their usage.

  8. Style the datepicker as per your project's design requirements using CSS.

With these steps, you should be able to use the vuejs-datepicker component in your Nuxt JS project. Remember to import the component, register it, bind it to a data property, and customize it as needed.