tilt js vue

  1. Install Vue CLI: You can install Vue CLI by running the command "npm install -g @vue/cli" in your terminal. This will install the Vue command line interface globally on your system.

  2. Create a new Vue project: Once Vue CLI is installed, you can create a new Vue project by running the command "vue create project-name" in your terminal. Replace "project-name" with the desired name of your project. This will generate a new Vue project with the basic structure and configuration files.

  3. Install Tilt.js: To install Tilt.js in your Vue project, navigate to the project directory in your terminal and run the command "npm install tilt.js". This will download and install the Tilt.js library in your project.

  4. Import Tilt.js: In the component where you want to use Tilt.js, import the Tilt.js library by adding the following line at the top of the file:

import tilt from 'tilt.js';

  1. Initialize Tilt.js: To initialize Tilt.js in your component, add the following code inside the "mounted" or "created" lifecycle hook:

mounted() { this.$nextTick(() => { this.initTilt(); }); }, methods: { initTilt() { const tiltElement = document.querySelector('.tilt-element'); tiltElement.tilt(); } }

In this code, replace ".tilt-element" with the CSS class or ID of the element you want to apply the tilt effect to.

  1. Apply Tilt.js to an element: To apply the tilt effect to an element, add the CSS class or ID you specified in the previous step to the HTML element. For example:
Tilt me!
  1. Customize Tilt.js options: Tilt.js provides several options to customize the tilt effect. You can modify these options by passing an object to the "tilt()" method. For example:

tiltElement.tilt({ maxTilt: 20, perspective: 1000, speed: 300, glare: true, maxGlare: 0.5, });

These options control parameters such as the maximum tilt angle, perspective, animation speed, glare effect, and glare opacity.

  1. Save and test: Save your changes and run your Vue project using the command "npm run serve" in your terminal. Open your project in a web browser and you should see the tilt effect applied to the specified element.

That's it! You have successfully integrated Tilt.js into your Vue project. Enjoy experimenting with different tilt configurations and applying the effect to various elements in your application.