The data option must be a function. Plain object usage is no longer supported. vue

Certainly! Here's an explanation of why Vue requires the data option to be a function instead of a plain object:

In Vue.js, the data option is used to define the initial state of a component. Previously, Vue allowed the data option to be a plain object, where you could directly specify the initial data properties and their values. However, this approach led to potential issues when multiple instances of the same component were created.

To address this, Vue now requires the data option to be a function that returns an object. When a component is instantiated, this function is called, and a new object is returned. This ensures that each instance of the component has its own isolated data, preventing unintended sharing of state among different instances.

By using a function to return the data object, Vue guarantees that each component instance receives its unique copy of the data, maintaining encapsulation and preventing unexpected side effects when multiple instances of the same component are used within an application.