sweetalert2 vue on ok click page refresh

To refresh a page in Vue when the "OK" button of a SweetAlert2 modal is clicked, you can follow these steps:

  1. Import the SweetAlert2 library and the necessary Vue components. This can be done by installing the SweetAlert2 package using npm or yarn, and then importing it in your Vue component file.

  2. In your Vue component, create a method that will handle the logic for refreshing the page. This method will be called when the "OK" button is clicked in the SweetAlert2 modal.

  3. Inside the method, use the window.location.reload() method to reload the current page. This will refresh the page and display the updated content.

  4. In your Vue template, add a click event listener to the "OK" button of the SweetAlert2 modal. Bind this event to the method you created in the previous step.

By following these steps, you will be able to refresh the page when the "OK" button of the SweetAlert2 modal is clicked in Vue.