str_limit function filter vuejs

// main.js or your Vue.js entry file

import Vue from 'vue';

Vue.filter('str_limit', function (value, limit) {
  if (!value) return '';
  value = value.toString();
  return value.length > limit ? value.substring(0, limit) + '...' : value;
<!-- Your Vue component template -->

    {{ text | str_limit(20) }}

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      text: "Your long text goes here."
  1. Import Vue in your main entry file (e.g., main.js).
  2. Define a Vue filter named 'str_limit' using Vue.filter.
  3. The filter takes two parameters: value (the input string) and limit (the maximum length of the output string).
  4. Check if the input value is falsy, and return an empty string if true.
  5. Convert the input value to a string.
  6. If the length of the string is greater than the specified limit, use substring to truncate the string and append '...' at the end; otherwise, return the original string.
  7. In your Vue component, use the filter in the template by piping the text through the 'str_limit' filter and passing the limit (e.g., 20) as an argument.
  8. The example component has a text data property with a long text value, which will be truncated using the 'str_limit' filter in the template.