see vuex values production console

To see Vuex values in the production console in Vue, you can follow the steps below:

  1. First, make sure you have installed the Vue Devtools extension in your browser. This extension allows you to inspect the Vuex state and mutations in your Vue application.

  2. Next, open the Developer Tools in your browser by right-clicking on your Vue application and selecting "Inspect" or by pressing the F12 key.

  3. In the Developer Tools, navigate to the "Vue" or "Components" tab, depending on your browser version. This tab should show you a tree structure of your Vue application's components.

  4. Find the component that contains the Vuex store you want to inspect. You can expand the tree structure to locate the specific component.

  5. Once you have found the component, expand it further until you see the Vuex store object. It is usually named "$store" or something similar.

  6. Expand the Vuex store object to see its properties and values. You should be able to see the state, getters, mutations, and actions defined in your store.

  7. To see the values of the state and getters, click on them to expand and view their contents. This will show you the current values of the state and any computed properties defined in your getters.

  8. If you want to see the mutations being triggered, you can open the "Console" tab in the Developer Tools. Any mutations that are dispatched will be logged in the console, along with their payload.

By following these steps, you should be able to see the values of the Vuex store in the production console of your Vue application. This can be helpful for debugging and understanding the flow of data in your application.