see vuex values productin

  1. Import the Vuex library: In your Vue application, import the Vuex library using the "import" keyword. This allows you to use Vuex in your project.

  2. Create a Vuex store: Create a new file called "store.js" (or any other name you prefer) and define your Vuex store in this file. The store is where you will define the state, mutations, actions, and getters for your application.

  3. Define the state: In the Vuex store, define the initial state of your application. This is where you store the data that you want to share across components. For example, if you have a "products" array that you want to access from multiple components, you can define it in the state.

  4. Define mutations: Mutations are the only way to change the state in Vuex. Define mutations in the store to modify the state as needed. Mutations are synchronous functions that take the state as the first argument and the payload (optional) as the second argument.

  5. Define actions: Actions are used to handle asynchronous operations in Vuex, such as making API calls. Define actions in the store to perform asynchronous tasks and then commit mutations to modify the state. Actions receive a context object as the first argument, which provides access to the store's state, mutations, getters, and other properties.

  6. Define getters: Getters are used to compute derived state based on the store's state. Define getters in the store to retrieve computed values from the state. Getters receive the state as the first argument and can also receive other getters as the second argument.

  7. Register the store: In your main Vue file (usually "main.js"), import the Vuex store and register it with the Vue instance using the "store" option. This makes the store available to all components in your application.

  8. Access store values in components: To access the values stored in the Vuex store from your components, you can use the "mapState", "mapMutations", "mapActions", and "mapGetters" helpers provided by Vuex. These helpers simplify the process of accessing and modifying the store's state, mutations, actions, and getters.

  9. Dispatch actions and commit mutations: In your components, you can dispatch actions and commit mutations to modify the store's state. Dispatching actions is done using the "this.$store.dispatch" method, while committing mutations is done using the "this.$store.commit" method.

  10. Use computed properties and methods: In your components, you can use computed properties and methods to access and manipulate the store's state, getters, and actions. Computed properties and methods automatically update when their dependencies change, which makes them ideal for working with reactive data from the store.

Remember to import the necessary Vuex modules, define the store with its state, mutations, actions, and getters, and register it with the Vue instance to make it accessible throughout your application. Use the provided helpers to simplify accessing and modifying the store's values in your components.