reload page vue

To reload a page in Vue.js, you can use the built-in window.location.reload() method. Here's a step-by-step explanation of how to do it:

  1. In your Vue component, create a method that will handle the page reload. For example, you can name it refreshPage:
methods: {
  refreshPage() {
    // code to reload the page will go here
  1. Inside the refreshPage method, add the code to reload the page using window.location.reload():
methods: {
  refreshPage() {
  1. Now, you need to call the refreshPage method whenever you want to reload the page. This can be done by adding a button or any other trigger element in your template, and using the @click event binding to call the method:
  <button @click="refreshPage">Reload Page</button>
  1. That's it! When the button is clicked, the refreshPage method will be called, and the window.location.reload() will reload the page.

Please note that reloading the page using window.location.reload() will refresh the entire page, including any data or state that might be lost. If you want to reload only a specific component or part of the page, you can use Vue's built-in methods like mounted or watch to update the specific component without refreshing the entire page.