play mp4 vue js

To play an MP4 video in Vue.js, you can follow these steps:

  1. Import the MP4 video file: First, you need to import the MP4 video file into your Vue.js project. You can do this by placing the video file in the appropriate folder in your project directory.

  2. Add a video tag in the HTML template: In your Vue component's template, add a <video> tag to display the video. You can use the src attribute to specify the path to the MP4 video file.

  3. Bind the video source: To bind the video source dynamically, you can use a data property or a computed property in your Vue component. This allows you to change the video source dynamically based on certain conditions.

  4. Add controls to the video player: To enable video controls like play, pause, and volume control, use the controls attribute on the <video> tag.

  5. Customize the video player: You can customize the video player by adding additional features like autoplay, loop, or custom styles. These can be achieved by adding appropriate attributes or CSS classes to the <video> tag.

Here is an example of how the code might look like in a Vue component's template:

    <video :src="videoSource" controls autoplay loop></video>

In the above example, the videoSource is a data property or computed property that holds the path to the MP4 video file. The controls attribute enables the video controls, while the autoplay and loop attributes specify that the video should automatically start playing and loop continuously.

Remember to replace videoSource with the actual data property or computed property that holds the path to your MP4 video file.

Feel free to customize the video player further by adding additional attributes or styles based on your requirements.