object notation and array notation dynamic class binding vuejs

Dynamic Class Binding in Vue.js

In Vue.js, you can dynamically bind classes to elements using object notation or array notation. This allows you to conditionally apply classes based on certain conditions or data values. Let's explore each notation in detail:

Object Notation

Object notation allows you to bind classes based on key-value pairs in an object. Each key represents a class name, and the corresponding value determines whether the class should be applied or not. Here's an example:

  <div :class="{'active': isActive, 'highlight': isHighlighted}">...</div>

In this example, the active class will be applied if the isActive data property is truthy, and the highlight class will be applied if the isHighlighted data property is truthy.

Array Notation

Array notation allows you to bind classes based on an array of class names. The classes in the array will be applied in the order they appear. Here's an example:

  <div :class="['active', 'highlight']">...</div>

In this example, both the active and highlight classes will always be applied to the element.

Combining Object and Array Notation

You can also combine object and array notation to bind classes dynamically. This allows you to conditionally apply classes based on certain conditions while also applying fixed classes. Here's an example:

  <div :class="['active', {'highlight': isHighlighted}]">...</div>

In this example, the active class will always be applied, and the highlight class will be applied if the isHighlighted data property is truthy.


Dynamic class binding in Vue.js using object notation and array notation allows you to apply classes conditionally based on data values or conditions. Object notation is useful when you have multiple classes with different conditions, while array notation is useful when you want to apply fixed classes along with conditional classes.