nativescript vue back button handler

// Step 1: Import the required modules
import { onBeforeUnmount } from 'vue';
import { Application, AndroidApplication, AndroidActivityBackPressedEventData } from '@nativescript/core';

// Step 2: Define a function to handle the back button press
function handleBackButton() {
  // Your custom logic for handling the back button press goes here
  // For example, navigating back or showing a confirmation dialog

// Step 3: Register the back button handler when the component is created
const onMounted = () => {
  // For Android
  if ( {, handleBackButton);

// Step 4: Unregister the back button handler when the component is destroyed
const onUnmounted = onBeforeUnmount(() => {
  // For Android
  if ( {, handleBackButton);

// Step 5: Export the lifecycle hooks
export { onMounted, onUnmounted };

Note: Make sure to adapt the handleBackButton function according to your specific requirements. This example focuses on setting up the back button handler in a Vue component using NativeScript-Vue for Android.