listen prop change vuejs

To listen for changes to a prop in Vue.js, you can use the watch property. The watch property allows you to perform an action whenever a specified prop changes its value. Here's how you can achieve this:

  1. Inside your Vue component, declare the props property to specify the props you are expecting to receive. For example:
props: {
  myProp: {
    type: String,
    required: true
  1. Add a watch property to your component. This property should be an object with a key for each prop you want to watch. For example:
watch: {
  myProp: function(newVal, oldVal) {
    // Perform your desired action here
  1. Inside the watch object, define a function that will be called whenever the prop changes. The function will receive two arguments - newVal and oldVal. These arguments represent the new and old values of the prop, respectively.

  2. Inside the function, you can perform any desired action based on the prop's new value. For example, you can update some data, make an API call, or trigger a method.

That's it! Now, whenever the value of the myProp prop changes, the function defined in the watch property will be called, allowing you to react to the change accordingly.