install vue by CDN

To install Vue using a CDN, follow these steps:

  1. Open your HTML file in a code editor.
  2. In the <head> section of your HTML file, add the following script tag to include Vue from the CDN:
<script src="[email protected]/dist/vue.min.js"></script>

This script tag points to the Vue library hosted on the CDN (Content Delivery Network). It fetches the Vue library and makes it available for use in your project.

  1. Save your HTML file.

That's it! Vue is now installed and ready to be used in your project. You can start building Vue components and leveraging Vue's features in your application.

Note: The version number in the script tag (2.6.14 in the example above) can be changed to a different version if needed. Make sure to use a version that is compatible with your project and meets your requirements.

Remember to save your HTML file after making these changes to ensure that the changes take effect.