import downloadCsv from "vue-json-csv";

Step 1: Language: Vue.

In this step, we are specifying the programming language that we will be using, which is Vue. Vue is a progressive JavaScript framework that is commonly used for building user interfaces.

Step 2: import downloadCsv from "vue-json-csv";

In this step, we are importing a specific functionality called downloadCsv from a package or module called "vue-json-csv". This line of code allows us to use the downloadCsv functionality in our Vue application.

The downloadCsv functionality is typically used for generating and downloading CSV (Comma Separated Values) files in Vue applications. CSV files are commonly used for storing tabular data, such as spreadsheets or databases.

By importing downloadCsv, we can use its methods and properties to easily generate CSV files and provide the user with the option to download them.

It's important to note that in order for this line of code to work, the "vue-json-csv" package must be installed in our Vue project. This can be done using a package manager like npm or yarn.

Overall, these two steps are essential for setting up and utilizing the downloadCsv functionality in a Vue application.