How to pass methods in vue js

To pass methods in Vue.js, follow these steps:

  1. In your Vue component, define the method you want to pass. For example, let's say you have a method called "handleClick":

methods: { handleClick() { // Method logic goes here } }

  1. Create a prop in the child component where you want to pass the method. This prop will hold the reference to the method. For example, let's create a prop called "customClick":

props: { customClick: { type: Function, required: true } }

  1. In the child component, call the passed method using the prop. For example, you can call the method when a button is clicked:

<button @click="customClick">Click me</button>

  1. Finally, when using the child component, pass the method as a prop. Make sure to bind the method using the colon syntax. For example, if you want to pass the "handleClick" method:

<child-component :customClick="handleClick"></child-component>

Note that you don't need to include parentheses when passing the method as a prop.

That's it! Now you have successfully passed a method in Vue.js. Remember to adjust the method names and component names according to your specific use case.