how to include a toasted property in vue

To include the Toasted property in Vue, follow these steps:

  1. Install the Toasted package using npm or yarn:
npm install vue-toasted


yarn add vue-toasted
  1. Import the Toasted package in your Vue component:
import Toasted from 'vue-toasted'
  1. Register the Toasted plugin globally in your Vue application:
  1. Add the Toasted component to your template where you want to display the toast messages:
  1. Use the Toasted property in your Vue methods or computed properties. For example, you can use it to show a success message:
methods: {
  showToast() {
    this.$toasted.success("Toast message!")
  1. Customize the Toasted options if needed. You can pass an object as the second argument to the Toasted method to specify options such as position, duration, theme, etc. For example:
methods: {
  showToast() {
    this.$toasted.success("Toast message!", {
      position: 'bottom-center',
      duration: 3000,
      theme: 'bubble'

That's it! Now you have successfully included the Toasted property in Vue and can use it to display toast messages in your application.