how to get current template in vuejs

To get the current template in Vue.js, you can use the following steps:

  1. Import the ref function from Vue: javascript import { ref } from 'vue';

  2. Create a ref variable to hold the template: javascript const templateRef = ref(null);

  3. In the component's template, use the ref attribute to bind the template to the ref variable: html <template ref="templateRef"> <!-- Your template content goes here --> </template>

  4. Access the template using the ref variable in the component's script: javascript const templateElement = templateRef.value.$el;

Now, templateElement contains the DOM element of the current template, and you can manipulate it as needed.

Note: Make sure to use the $el property to access the DOM element. The ref object itself contains a $el property, which is a reference to the underlying DOM element.

Here's the complete code:

  <div ref="templateRef">
    <!-- Your template content goes here -->

import { ref } from 'vue';

export default {
  setup() {
    const templateRef = ref(null);

    // Access the template element
    const templateElement = templateRef.value.$el;

    // Do something with the template element
    // ...

    return {