how to call action from another module vuex

  1. Import the store instance in the component where you want to dispatch the action:
import store from '@/store'; // Adjust the path based on your project structure
  1. Call the dispatch method on the store instance and pass the action name as the first argument, and any payload as the second argument (if needed):
store.dispatch('otherModule/actionName', payload);
  1. Ensure that the action is defined in the "otherModule" module in your Vuex store:
// In otherModule.js (or whatever your module file is named)
const actions = {
  actionName({ commit }, payload) {
    // Your action logic here
    // You can commit mutations or perform async operations

export default {
  // other module properties...
  1. (Optional) If you want to call an action from another module within a component method or lifecycle hook, you can use the mapActions helper:
import { mapActions } from 'vuex';

export default {
  methods: {
    ...mapActions('otherModule', ['actionName']),
    // Now you can call this.actionName() directly in your component