how to access vuex state properties with getters in nuxt vuex

To access Vuex state properties with getters in Nuxt Vuex, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Define the state and getters in your store module In your store module file (typically located in the store directory), define your state and getters. For example:

// store/myModule.js

export const state = () => ({
  counter: 0

export const getters = {
  getCounter: (state) => state.counter

Step 2: Import the mapGetters helper function In the component where you want to access the state properties with getters, import the mapGetters helper function from the vuex package. For example:

// components/MyComponent.vue

import { mapGetters } from 'vuex'

Step 3: Map the getters to computed properties Inside the component's computed property, use the mapGetters function to map the getters to computed properties. For example:

// components/MyComponent.vue

computed: {

Step 4: Use the computed properties in your template or methods Now, you can access the state properties with getters using the computed properties you defined. For example, in your template or methods, you can use this.getCounter to access the counter state property.

// components/MyComponent.vue

    <p>Counter: {{ getCounter }}</p>

That's it! You have now successfully accessed Vuex state properties with getters in Nuxt Vuex. Remember to replace myModule with the actual name of your store module.