how manipulate the multiple input option data in one function in vue js

To manipulate multiple input option data in one function in Vue.js, you can follow these steps:

  1. Define the data properties in your Vue component to store the input values. For example, if you have multiple input options like checkboxes or select dropdowns, you would define corresponding data properties to store their values.

  2. Bind the input options to the data properties using v-model. This will create a two-way binding between the input options and the data properties, allowing you to access and manipulate their values easily. For example, if you have a checkbox input, you can bind it to a boolean data property like this: v-model="isChecked".

  3. Create a method in your Vue component to handle the manipulation of the input data. This method will be triggered when the user interacts with the input options. You can access the data properties within this method and perform any necessary manipulations on the input data.

  4. Use the @change event (or other relevant events) on the input options to call the method you created in the previous step. This will ensure that the method is executed when the input values change. For example, you can use @change="handleInputChange" to call the handleInputChange method when an input option changes.

  5. Within the method, you can access the updated values of the data properties and perform any required manipulations. For example, you can use conditional statements or loops to check the values of the checkboxes or select dropdowns and perform specific actions based on those values.

By following these steps, you can manipulate multiple input option data in one function in Vue.js. Remember to bind the input options to the data properties using v-model, create a method to handle the manipulation, and use the appropriate events to trigger the method when the input values change.