how get state global in modules in vue

In Vue.js, to access global state in modules, you can use Vuex, the official state management library. Here's how you can do it:

  1. Setup Vuex Store: Define your global state in a Vuex store. Create a new file, typically named store.js, and import Vue and Vuex.

    ```javascript // store.js

    import Vue from 'vue'; import Vuex from 'vuex';


    const store = new Vuex.Store({ state: { // Define your global state here globalData: 'example' }, mutations: { // Mutations to modify the state go here }, actions: { // Actions to perform operations on the state go here }, getters: { // Getters to access state properties go here } });

    export default store; ```

  2. Use the Store in Modules: If you have separate modules, you can access the global state in these modules by importing the Vuex store and using it within the module.

    ```javascript // YourModule.js

    import store from '@/store'; // Import the Vuex store

    const yourModule = { state: { // Define module-specific state here }, mutations: { // Mutations specific to this module }, actions: { // Actions specific to this module }, getters: { // Getters specific to this module getGlobalData: () => { return store.state.globalData; // Access global state from modules } } };

    export default yourModule; ```

    Ensure that the store variable in store.js is pointing to the correct path where your Vuex store file resides (@/store is just an example).

  3. Access Global State in Components: To use the global state in your Vue components, import the Vuex store and use getters to retrieve the state.

    ```javascript // YourComponent.vue


    Replace 'getGlobalData' with the appropriate getter function name defined in your module.

This structure allows you to maintain a global state in Vuex and access it across different modules in your Vue.js application.