flask vue.js not working

Using Flask with Vue.js

  1. Install Flask:
  2. Install Flask using pip: pip install Flask.
  3. Create Flask App:
  4. Create a new Flask app by defining routes and views.
  5. Set Up Static Directory:
  6. Create a directory in the Flask app to serve static files, such as Vue.js components.
  7. Install Vue CLI:
  8. Install Vue CLI globally using npm: npm install -g @vue/cli.
  9. Create Vue Project:
  10. Use Vue CLI to create a new Vue project: vue create my-vue-project.
  11. Integrate Vue App with Flask:
  12. In the Vue project, configure the vue.config.js file to set the outputDir to the Flask static directory.
  13. Update the Flask app to serve the Vue app by sending the index.html file.
  14. Run the Applications:
  15. Run the Flask app and the Vue app separately to ensure they work independently.
  16. Test Integration:
  17. Test the integration by accessing the Flask routes that serve the Vue components.

This is the step-by-step process to integrate Flask with Vue.js.