dynamically populate vue material table

  1. Import the required components from Vue and Vue Material in the script section of the Vue file.

  2. Create a data property to store the table headers and table data.

  3. Use the Vue Material table component and bind the table headers and table data to the appropriate attributes.

  4. Implement a method to fetch the data dynamically from an API or any other data source.

  5. Call the method to fetch the data when the component is mounted.

  6. Populate the table with the fetched data by updating the table data property with the response from the API.

  7. Use the v-if directive to conditionally render the table only when the data is available.

  8. Add error handling to manage cases where the data fetching process fails.

  9. Style the table using Vue Material's styling options if necessary.

  10. Test the dynamic population of the table by running the Vue application and verifying that the data is displayed correctly in the table.