debounchow use input debounce in javascript vue.js

To use input debounce in Vue.js, you can follow these steps:

  1. Import the debounce function: First, you need to import the debounce function from a library or create your own implementation. The debounce function is used to delay the execution of a function until after a certain amount of time has passed since the last time it was called.

  2. Create a data property: In your Vue component, create a data property to store the input value that you want to debounce. This property will be updated whenever the input value changes.

  3. Add a watcher: Add a watcher to the data property that you created in the previous step. A watcher is a function that is called whenever the watched property changes. In this case, the watcher will be triggered whenever the input value changes.

  4. Implement the debounce logic: Inside the watcher function, use the debounce function to delay the execution of the desired logic. Pass in the function that you want to debounce as the first argument, and the desired debounce delay as the second argument.

  5. Update the data property: Inside the debounced function, update the data property that you created in step 2 with the new input value. This will trigger the watcher again and restart the debounce process.

Here is an example implementation using the Lodash library for the debounce function:

  <input v-model="inputValue" @input="handleChange" />

import { debounce } from 'lodash';

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      inputValue: '',
  watch: {
    inputValue: {
      handler: debounce(function(newValue) {
        // Do something with the debounced input value
      }, 300),
  methods: {
    handleChange(event) {
      this.inputValue =;

In this example, the inputValue property is debounced with a delay of 300 milliseconds. The handleChange method is called whenever the input value changes, and it updates the inputValue property. The watcher function is triggered by the changes to inputValue and the logic inside the debounced function is executed after the debounce delay.

Make sure to install the Lodash library (npm install lodash) or use another debounce implementation before using the debounce function in your code.