vue inline style bind

To bind inline styles in Vue, you can use the v-bind directive or its shorthand :. Here are the steps to bind inline styles in Vue:

  1. Define a data property: Start by defining a data property in your Vue component that will hold the style object you want to bind. For example, you can define a styleObject data property:

vue data() { return { styleObject: { color: 'red', fontSize: '20px' } } }

  1. Bind the style object to an element: Next, you need to bind the styleObject to the element where you want to apply the inline styles. This can be done using the v-bind directive or its shorthand : followed by the name of the attribute you want to bind, in this case, style.


Hello World




Hello World


The above code will apply the styles defined in the styleObject to the <div> element. In this example, the text color will be red and the font size will be 20 pixels.

  1. Update the style object dynamically: You can also update the styleObject dynamically based on certain conditions or user interactions. For example, you can add a method that changes the color property of the styleObject:

vue methods: { changeColor() { this.styleObject.color = 'blue'; } }

Then, you can call this method to update the style dynamically:

vue <button @click="changeColor">Change Color</button>

When the button is clicked, the changeColor method will be called, which will update the color property of the styleObject to blue. As a result, the inline style of the <div> element will be updated accordingly.

That's it! You have successfully bound inline styles in Vue using the v-bind directive or its shorthand :. By defining a data property and binding it to the style attribute of an element, you can apply inline styles and update them dynamically in response to changes in your Vue component.