alertify js vue

  1. Import the Alertify.js library: In order to use the Alertify.js library in your Vue project, you need to import it. You can do this by including the following line of code in your project:
import alertify from 'alertifyjs';
  1. Create a Vue method for displaying alerts: Next, you need to create a Vue method that will handle displaying alerts using the Alertify.js library. This method will be called whenever you want to show an alert to the user. You can define the method as follows:
methods: {
  showAlert(message) {
  1. Call the showAlert method with a message: Now that you have defined the showAlert method, you can call it with a message parameter to display an alert. For example, if you want to show the message "Hello, world!" in an alert, you can call the method like this:
this.showAlert('Hello, world!');
  1. Customize the alert appearance: If you want to customize the appearance of the alert, you can pass an options object as a second parameter to the alertify.alert() method. This object can contain properties such as the title, the alert message, and the alert buttons. Here's an example:
this.showAlert('Hello, world!', {
  title: 'Alert',
  okButtonText: 'OK',
  cancelButtonText: 'Cancel',
  onOK: function() {
    // OK button callback
  onCancel: function() {
    // Cancel button callback
  1. Handle different types of alerts: Alertify.js supports different types of alerts, such as confirm and prompt dialogs. To use these types, you can replace the alertify.alert() method with the appropriate method, such as alertify.confirm() or alertify.prompt(). These methods work similarly to the alert method, but provide additional functionality. For example:
methods: {
  showConfirm(message) {
    alertify.confirm(message, function() {
      // Confirm callback
    }, function() {
      // Cancel callback
  showPrompt(message) {
    alertify.prompt(message, function() {
      // OK callback
    }, function() {
      // Cancel callback
  1. Customize the appearance of confirm and prompt dialogs: Similarly to the alert dialog, you can customize the appearance of confirm and prompt dialogs by passing an options object as a second parameter. This object can contain properties such as the title, the dialog message, the OK button text, the Cancel button text, and callback functions. Here's an example:
this.showConfirm('Are you sure?', {
  title: 'Confirmation',
  okButtonText: 'Yes',
  cancelButtonText: 'No',
  onOK: function() {
    // OK button callback
  onCancel: function() {
    // Cancel button callback

That's it! With these steps, you should be able to use the Alertify.js library in your Vue project to display alerts, confirm dialogs, and prompt dialogs. Remember to import the library, create Vue methods for handling alerts, and customize the appearance of the dialogs as needed.