twig symfony get route

To get the route in Symfony Twig, you can use the path() function. This function allows you to generate the URL for a specific route based on its name and any additional parameters that are required.

Here is an example of how to use the path() function in Twig to get the route:

<a href="{{ path('route_name') }}">Link</a>

In the above example, replace 'route_name' with the actual name of the route you want to generate the URL for. This will output the URL for that route when the Twig template is rendered.

You can also pass additional parameters to the path() function if your route requires them. For example:

<a href="{{ path('route_name', {'param1': 'value1', 'param2': 'value2'}) }}">Link</a>

In this case, replace 'param1' and 'param2' with the names of the parameters required by your route, and 'value1' and 'value2' with the corresponding values.

By using the path() function in Symfony Twig, you can easily generate URLs for routes within your application.