How do you use both Spring Data JPA and Spring Data Elasticsearch repositories on the same domain class in a Spring Boot application?

To use both Spring Data JPA and Spring Data Elasticsearch repositories on the same domain class in a Spring Boot application, you can follow the steps below:

  1. Add the necessary dependencies to your project's build file (e.g., pom.xml for Maven or build.gradle for Gradle). These dependencies include the Spring Data JPA and Spring Data Elasticsearch starters.

  2. Define your domain class, which represents the data model for your application. Annotate it with JPA annotations (e.g., @Entity, @Table, etc.) to map it to the database table.

  3. Create a JPA repository interface by extending the JpaRepository interface provided by Spring Data JPA. This interface will provide CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations for your domain class.

  4. Create an Elasticsearch repository interface by extending the ElasticsearchRepository interface provided by Spring Data Elasticsearch. This interface will provide Elasticsearch-specific operations for your domain class.

  5. In your Spring Boot application's configuration, enable both JPA and Elasticsearch repositories by using the @EnableJpaRepositories and @EnableElasticsearchRepositories annotations, respectively. These annotations should be placed on a configuration class or directly on your main application class.

  6. Configure the JPA and Elasticsearch data sources in your or application.yml file. Specify the necessary connection details, such as the database URL, username, and password for JPA, and the Elasticsearch URL for Elasticsearch.

  7. Implement your business logic and use the repositories to interact with the database and Elasticsearch. You can inject the JPA repository and Elasticsearch repository into your service classes or controllers using the @Autowired annotation.

By following these steps, you can use both Spring Data JPA and Spring Data Elasticsearch repositories on the same domain class in your Spring Boot application. This allows you to leverage the power of both JPA and Elasticsearch for data persistence and retrieval.