update in spring boot

  1. Start by opening your Spring Boot project in your preferred IDE.

  2. Update the Spring Boot version in your project's pom.xml file. Locate the section and modify the tag to the desired Spring Boot version.

  3. Review the release notes for the new Spring Boot version to understand any potential changes or updates that might affect your project.

  4. Update any dependencies that have newer versions available. Open the pom.xml file and search for the dependencies section. Update the version numbers of the dependencies that need to be upgraded.

  5. Run the following command in your IDE's terminal or command prompt to update your project's dependencies:

mvn clean install

This will fetch the new dependencies and update your project accordingly.

  1. Next, update your application.properties or application.yml file if necessary. Check the release notes for any changes to the configuration properties and make the necessary updates.

  2. Run your application to verify that everything is working as expected. Use your IDE's built-in tools or run the following command:

mvn spring-boot:run

This will start your application and allow you to test its functionality.

  1. Lastly, perform thorough testing to ensure that all features and functionalities are working correctly with the updated Spring Boot version. Fix any issues that arise during this testing phase.

By following these steps, you should be able to successfully update your Spring Boot project to the latest version without any issues. Remember to always review the release notes and test your application thoroughly to ensure a smooth transition.