throw exception in spring boot with message and geeter se

To throw an exception in Spring Boot with a message and getter method, follow these steps:

  1. Define a custom exception class: Create a new Java class that extends either RuntimeException or any other appropriate exception class. This custom exception class will be used to throw the exception.

  2. Add a constructor: In the custom exception class, add a constructor that takes a String parameter for the error message. Use this constructor to set the error message when the exception is thrown.

  3. Add a getter method: Include a getter method in the custom exception class to retrieve the error message. This getter method will allow you to access the error message when handling the exception.

  4. Throw the exception: In your code, when you encounter a situation that warrants throwing the exception, create an instance of the custom exception class and pass the error message as a parameter to the constructor. Then, throw the exception using the "throw" keyword.

  5. Handle the exception: To handle the exception, use a try-catch block. In the catch block, catch the custom exception class and call the getter method to retrieve the error message. You can then handle the exception accordingly, such as logging the error or displaying a user-friendly message.

By following these steps, you can throw an exception in Spring Boot with a message and a getter method to access that message when handling the exception.