spring down load

  1. Open a web browser and navigate to the official Spring Framework website.

  2. On the website, locate the "Projects" menu and click on the "Spring Framework" option.

  3. Find the "Download" section on the Spring Framework page and choose the version of Spring that you want to download.

  4. Click on the download link for the selected version to initiate the download process.

  5. Once the download is complete, navigate to the location where the file is saved on your computer.

  6. Extract the contents of the downloaded archive using a suitable extraction tool.

  7. The extracted folder contains the Spring libraries and files needed for development.

  8. Optionally, you may want to set up the necessary environment variables or integrate Spring into your preferred development environment.

  9. Begin using Spring in your projects by referencing the downloaded libraries and following the Spring documentation for guidance.

Note: Ensure that you comply with the licensing terms associated with the downloaded Spring Framework version.