What is the way to use profiles to configure the environment-specific configuration with Spring Boot?

To use profiles to configure environment-specific configuration with Spring Boot, follow these steps:

Step 1: Define Configuration Files Create configuration files for each environment you want to configure. For example, you can create application-dev.properties for development environment, application-test.properties for testing environment, and application-prod.properties for production environment. These files should be placed in the src/main/resources directory.

Step 2: Set Active Profile In the application.properties file, set the active profile using the spring.profiles.active property. For example, if you want to use the development environment configuration, set spring.profiles.active=dev. This can also be done by setting the environment variable SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE to the desired profile.

Step 3: Configure Environment-Specific Properties In each environment-specific configuration file, define properties specific to that environment. For example, you can set the database URL, username, and password for each environment. Use the format property=value in the configuration files.

Step 4: Access Environment-Specific Properties To access the environment-specific properties in your application, use the @Value annotation along with the property name. For example, if you have a property database.url defined in the configuration files, you can access it in your code using @Value("${database.url}").

Step 5: Run the Application When you run the Spring Boot application, it will automatically load the configuration file corresponding to the active profile. The environment-specific properties defined in that file will be available for use in your application.

By following these steps, you can easily configure environment-specific properties using profiles in Spring Boot. This allows you to have different configurations for different environments without the need to modify your code.