spring boot prerequisites

  1. Java Development Kit (JDK):
  2. Explanation: Spring Boot is built on the Java programming language. JDK provides the necessary tools and libraries for Java development, and Spring Boot applications are typically written in Java.

  3. Integrated Development Environment (IDE):

  4. Explanation: An IDE, such as IntelliJ IDEA or Eclipse, is recommended for Spring Boot development. It provides a user-friendly interface, code completion, and debugging tools, enhancing the development experience.

  5. Spring Boot Installation:

  6. Explanation: Spring Boot can be added to a project using tools like Maven or Gradle. These build tools manage project dependencies and automate the build process, simplifying the setup and management of Spring Boot applications.

  7. Spring Boot Starter:

  8. Explanation: Spring Boot Starter is a set of convenient dependency descriptors that simplify the inclusion of various Spring modules. It enables developers to include only the necessary dependencies for their application, reducing unnecessary bloat.

  9. Spring Initializr:

  10. Explanation: Spring Initializr is a web-based tool or a command-line interface that generates a basic project structure with the necessary files and configurations for a Spring Boot application. Developers can customize the project settings and download a ready-to-use template.

  11. Application Properties/ YAML Configuration:

  12. Explanation: Spring Boot applications can be configured using property files (application.properties) or YAML files (application.yaml). These files allow developers to set various configurations, such as database connection details, server port, and logging preferences.

  13. Spring Boot Annotations:

  14. Explanation: Spring Boot uses annotations to simplify the configuration and development process. Annotations such as @SpringBootApplication, @RestController, and @Autowired help define the application's structure, web controllers, and dependency injection, respectively.

  15. Spring Boot Auto-Configuration:

  16. Explanation: Spring Boot provides auto-configuration, which automatically configures beans based on the project's dependencies. This eliminates the need for manual configuration in many cases, making it easier for developers to get started quickly.

  17. Spring Boot DevTools:

  18. Explanation: Spring Boot DevTools is a set of tools that enhances the development experience by providing features like automatic application restarts, live reloading of changes, and built-in support for development-only dependencies.

  19. Testing in Spring Boot:

    • Explanation: Spring Boot supports various testing frameworks, including JUnit and TestNG. Writing tests is an integral part of the development process, ensuring the reliability and correctness of the application's functionality.
  20. Spring Boot Actuator:

    • Explanation: Spring Boot Actuator provides production-ready features, such as health checks, metrics, and monitoring. It allows developers and administrators to gather insights into the application's runtime behavior and performance.
  21. Spring Boot Security (Optional):

    • Explanation: If security features are required, developers can integrate Spring Boot Security. This module provides tools for securing the application, implementing authentication, authorization, and other security-related functionalities.