Artifact sample-springboot-demo-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar wasn't produced by this build.

The error message "Artifact sample-springboot-demo-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar wasn't produced by this build" typically occurs when the required artifact is not generated during the build process. This can happen due to a variety of reasons, including misconfiguration or issues with the build tool.

To troubleshoot and resolve this issue, you can follow these steps:

  1. Check the build configuration: Verify that the build configuration is correctly set up to generate the artifact. This includes checking the build tool configuration file (such as pom.xml for Maven or build.gradle for Gradle) to ensure that the artifact is specified and configured correctly.

  2. Verify the build process: Review the build process to ensure that it is correctly building the artifact. This involves checking the build tool commands or tasks that are executed to generate the artifact. Make sure that the necessary steps, such as compilation and packaging, are included in the build process.

  3. Check for build errors: Look for any build errors or warnings that may have occurred during the build process. These errors or warnings can provide valuable information about why the artifact was not generated. Review the build logs or console output for any relevant error messages.

  4. Ensure dependencies are resolved: Verify that all the required dependencies for the project are correctly resolved. If any dependencies are missing or have conflicts, it can prevent the artifact from being generated. Check the build configuration file to ensure that the dependencies are specified correctly.

  5. Clean and rebuild: Try cleaning the project build and performing a fresh build. This can help resolve any potential build issues or conflicts that may be causing the artifact not to be generated. Use the appropriate command or task for your build tool to clean and rebuild the project.

  6. Check output directory: Verify the output directory where the artifact should be generated. Make sure that the build process is configured to generate the artifact in the correct location. Check the build configuration file or the build tool documentation for information on specifying the output directory.

  7. Consider build tool version: If you are using a specific version of the build tool, consider checking for any known issues or updates related to generating artifacts. Upgrading to a newer version of the build tool might resolve the issue.

By following these steps, you should be able to troubleshoot and resolve the issue of the artifact not being produced by the build.