File Appender spring

Step 1: Create a file

First, create a file named This file will contain the configuration settings for the log4j2 framework.

Step 2: Define the appender properties

Inside the file, define the properties for the file appender. The file appender is responsible for writing log messages to a file. Here are the properties you need to define:

  • name: Give a name to the appender.
  • type: Set the type of the appender to File.
  • fileName: Specify the path and name of the log file.
  • append: Set this to true if you want to append log messages to an existing file. Set it to false if you want to overwrite the file each time the application runs.
  • layout.type: Set the type of layout to be used for formatting log messages. For example, you can use PatternLayout to define a pattern for the log messages.
  • layout.pattern: Specify the pattern for the log messages. This pattern can include placeholders for various log event attributes like the timestamp, logger name, log level, and the log message itself.

Step 3: Configure the root logger

In the file, configure the root logger. The root logger is the default logger that is used when no specific logger is specified. Here are the properties you need to define for the root logger:

  • level: Set the logging level for the root logger. This determines which log messages will be logged.
  • appenderRef: Specify the appender to be used for the root logger. This should be the name of the appender defined in Step 2.

Step 4: Configure loggers (optional)

If you have specific loggers for different parts of your application, you can configure them in the file as well. Each logger can have its own logging level and appender(s). Here are the properties you need to define for each logger:

  • name: Give a name to the logger.
  • level: Set the logging level for the logger.
  • additivity: Set this to false if you want to disable propagation of log messages to parent loggers.
  • appenderRef: Specify the appender(s) to be used for the logger. This should be the name(s) of the appender(s) defined in Step 2.

Step 5: Place the file in the classpath

Finally, make sure that the file is placed in the classpath of your Spring application. This can typically be done by placing the file in the src/main/resources directory of your project.

Step 6: Use logging in your Spring application

Once the file is configured and in the classpath, you can start using logging in your Spring application. You can use the org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager class to obtain a logger instance, and then use the various logging methods provided by the logger to log messages at different log levels.

For example:

import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;

public class MyService {
    private static final Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger(MyService.class);

    public void doSomething() {"Doing something...");

In the example above, the MyService class obtains a logger instance using LogManager.getLogger(MyService.class). It then uses the method to log an informational message.

That's it! You have now configured file appender logging using log4j2 in a Spring application. The log messages will be written to the specified log file according to the configured properties.