UserRedirectRequiredException: A redirect is required to get the users approval spring boot 5 security

To handle the UserRedirectRequiredException in Spring Boot 5 security, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Create a custom implementation of the AuthorizationRequestResolver interface. This interface is responsible for resolving the authorization request and redirecting the user to the appropriate authorization endpoint.

  2. Override the resolve method in your custom implementation of AuthorizationRequestResolver. This method should take in the current HttpServletRequest and return an instance of AuthorizationRequest.

  3. Inside the resolve method, you can use the HttpServletRequest to extract any necessary information, such as the client ID, redirect URI, and scope. You can also validate these parameters as needed.

  4. If the user is not authenticated or has not granted the necessary permissions, you can create an instance of AuthorizationRequest that includes the necessary information for the authorization endpoint. This could include the client ID, redirect URI, scope, and any other parameters required by the authorization server.

  5. Finally, you can redirect the user to the authorization endpoint by setting the appropriate headers in the HttpServletResponse. You can use the HttpServletResponse.sendRedirect() method to redirect the user to the authorization endpoint URL.

By following these steps, you should be able to handle the UserRedirectRequiredException in Spring Boot 5 security and redirect the user to the appropriate authorization endpoint for approval.