spring websocket allow origin

To allow origin for Spring WebSocket, you can follow these steps:

  1. Create a WebSocket configuration class: Begin by creating a configuration class that extends the AbstractWebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer class. This class allows you to configure the WebSocket message broker.

  2. Enable WebSocket message broker: Override the configureMessageBroker() method in your configuration class. Within this method, call the enableSimpleBroker() method, which enables a simple in-memory message broker for WebSocket communication.

  3. Enable WebSocket endpoint: Override the registerStompEndpoints() method in your configuration class. Within this method, call the addEndpoint() method to register a WebSocket endpoint. This endpoint will be used by clients to establish a WebSocket connection.

  4. Configure allowed origins: Within the addEndpoint() method, you can chain the setAllowedOrigins() method to specify the allowed origins for WebSocket connections. The setAllowedOrigins() method accepts one or more origin URLs as parameters.

  5. Implement WebSocket message handling: Create a class that extends TextWebSocketHandler to handle WebSocket messages. Override the handleTextMessage() method to define the behavior when a message is received from a client.

  6. Test the WebSocket connection: Use a WebSocket client, such as a JavaScript client, to establish a WebSocket connection to your Spring application. Ensure that the origin of the client matches one of the allowed origins specified in the setAllowedOrigins() method.

By following these steps, you can allow origin for Spring WebSocket connections. This allows clients from specified origins to establish WebSocket connections with your Spring application without any issues.