spring swagger ui login oauth2

To enable login with OAuth2 in Swagger UI using Spring, you can follow the steps below:

  1. Add the necessary dependencies to your project's build file. This typically includes the Spring Security OAuth2 dependencies, such as "spring-security-oauth2-client" and "spring-security-oauth2-resource-server".

  2. Configure the OAuth2 client details in your application's configuration file. This involves specifying the authorization and token endpoints, client ID, client secret, and other relevant details for your OAuth2 provider.

  3. Create a custom implementation of the OAuth2AuthorizedClientManager interface. This manager is responsible for managing the authorized client details, such as obtaining and storing the access token.

  4. Configure the SecurityConfiguration class to enable OAuth2 login and specify the necessary details, such as the client registration ID, authorized client manager, and the login page URL.

  5. Customize the login page to include the necessary UI components for OAuth2 login. This may involve adding a login button that triggers the OAuth2 authorization flow and handles the redirection to the authorization server.

  6. Configure the Swagger UI endpoints to require authentication and authorization. This can be done by adding the appropriate security annotations, such as @PreAuthorize or @EnableWebSecurity, to your Swagger UI configuration class.

  7. Test the OAuth2 login functionality in Swagger UI. You should be able to see the login button on the Swagger UI page, which, when clicked, will redirect you to the OAuth2 provider's login page. After successful authentication, you will be redirected back to the Swagger UI with the necessary access token to access the protected resources.

These steps should help you enable OAuth2 login in Swagger UI using Spring. Please note that the actual implementation may vary depending on your specific requirements and the OAuth2 provider you are using.