spring db properties

  1. Define the Database Configuration: Define the database configuration properties in the application.properties file using the prefix "spring.datasource."

  2. Set the Database URL, Username, and Password: Set the database URL, username, and password using the properties "spring.datasource.url," "spring.datasource.username," and "spring.datasource.password" respectively.

  3. Configure the Connection Pool: Configure the connection pool properties such as maximum pool size, connection timeout, and other related settings using the properties with the prefix "spring.datasource.hikari."

  4. Specify the JPA Properties: Specify the JPA properties such as dialect, show SQL, and other related settings using the properties with the prefix "spring.jpa."

  5. Customize Database Platform: Customize the database platform using the property "spring.jpa.database-platform" to specify the specific database dialect.

  6. Enable Hibernate Second Level Cache: To enable the Hibernate second level cache, use the property "spring.jpa.properties.hibernate.cache.use_second_level_cache" and set it to true.

  7. Configure Additional Properties: Configure additional database properties as per the specific requirements of the application using the appropriate "spring.datasource" and "spring.jpa" properties.