spring convert page to list

  1. Create a Spring Controller:java @Controller public class YourController {
  2. Define a method to handle the page request:java @GetMapping("/yourPage") public String yourPage(Model model) {
  3. Initialize a List to store your data:java List<YourDataType> dataList = new ArrayList<>();
  4. Add your data to the list (replace this with your actual data retrieval logic):java // Add logic to populate dataList with your data // Example: dataList = yourDataService.getData();
  5. Add the list to the model attribute:java model.addAttribute("dataList", dataList);
  6. Return the name of the view page and the populated model:java return "yourListViewPage";
  7. Create the Thymeleaf template for your list view page (yourListViewPage.html): ```html

``` 8. Run your Spring Boot application and navigate to the specified endpoint ("/yourPage") to view the converted list page.