spring commandlinerunner example

The Spring framework provides a CommandLinerRunner interface that allows you to run code when the application starts up. Here is an example of how to use the CommandLinerRunner in a Spring application:

Step 1: Create a Spring Boot Application To begin, create a new Spring Boot application. This can be done using the Spring Initializr or by manually setting up a new project.

Step 2: Implement the CommandLinerRunner Interface Next, create a class that implements the CommandLinerRunner interface. This interface has a single run() method that will be invoked when the application starts up. Implement this method with your desired code logic.

Step 3: Add Spring Annotations To make your class a bean and register it with the Spring application context, annotate it with the @Component annotation. This will ensure that the run() method is executed when the application starts.

Step 4: Run the Application Finally, run the Spring Boot application. The CommandLinerRunner implementation will be automatically detected and executed.

That's it! By following these steps, you can use the CommandLinerRunner interface to run code when your Spring application starts up.