spring boot validation dependency

Spring Boot Validation is a popular dependency used in Spring applications to validate input data and ensure that it meets the required constraints. Here are the steps to add Spring Boot Validation to your project:

Step 1: Open your project in your preferred IDE.

Step 2: Locate the pom.xml file in your project's root directory.

Step 3: Open the pom.xml file and add the following dependency to the <dependencies> section:


Step 4: Save the pom.xml file.

Step 5: Spring Boot will automatically download the required dependencies and make them available in your project.

Step 6: Now, you can start using Spring Boot Validation annotations in your code. For example, you can use @NotNull to ensure that a field is not null, @Size to specify the minimum and maximum size of a field, or @Pattern to define a regular expression pattern for a field.

Step 7: To enable validation in your application, you need to add the @Validated annotation to your controller classes or request handler methods.

Step 8: To handle validation errors, you can use the BindingResult object in your controller methods. The BindingResult object contains information about any validation errors that occurred during the request processing.

Step 9: You can customize the error messages displayed when validation fails by adding validation messages to your application's properties file.

That's it! You have successfully added Spring Boot Validation to your project and can now use it to validate input data in your Spring applications.