spring boot intellij auto reload

To enable auto-reload in Spring Boot using IntelliJ, you can follow these steps:

  1. Open your Spring Boot project in IntelliJ.
  2. In the project structure, locate the pom.xml file or the build.gradle file, depending on whether you are using Maven or Gradle as your build tool.
  3. Add the following dependencies to your build file:

For Maven:


For Gradle:

dependencies {
    developmentOnly 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-devtools'
  1. Save the build file and let IntelliJ automatically download the required dependencies.
  2. In IntelliJ, open the "Run/Debug Configurations" dialog by clicking on the dropdown menu next to the run button in the toolbar, then selecting "Edit Configurations".
  3. In the configurations dialog, click on the + button to add a new configuration and select "Spring Boot".
  4. Fill in the required fields in the configuration dialog, such as the main class, program arguments, and working directory.
  5. Under the "Before Launch" section, click on the + button and select "Build" from the dropdown menu. This ensures that your application is built before it is run.
  6. Apply the changes and close the configurations dialog.
  7. Now, when you run your Spring Boot application, IntelliJ will automatically detect any changes in your source code and trigger a hot-reload of the application, making it easier to see the changes without manually restarting the server.

That's it! You have successfully configured auto-reload in Spring Boot using IntelliJ. Any changes you make to your code will be automatically reflected in the running application.